Thursday, January 23, 2014

New to Android Check our best tips & tricks, How to's and tutorials

Not everyone is as familiar with Android as they'd like. Our Android for Beginners series is designed to help get you up to speed on what you can do with your Android.

We're well aware that not everyone is as up to their neck in Android as we are. It can be a pretty daunting landscape when you're first confronted with a smartphone, especially one as free and open as an Android. The sheer volume of customization options, apps available, settings to learn and secret tips to figure out can leave you gasping for air. That's where our Android for Beginner's series comes in: super simple tips and tricks for your devices and apps, clever how to's to solve common problems, and tutorials to help you get even more out of your smartphone. Here's some of the best from this year.

No idea what's going on with your phone? We'll help you.

Disable data roaming

Everyone has been hit by some serious long distance rates when abroad. Heck, in some places you can even get switched to roaming simply because you get a little too close to some country's borders. So it's useful to know how to disable your data roaming before you go anywhere.

Unfreeze an Android

We've all had our phone freeze up at some point. Generally we just pull the battery out, but not all smartphones have removable batteries, so what do we do then? And what if that still doesn't work? We'll show you what to do!

No matter how much you love your phone, sometimes it will crash or freeze.

Disable auto-update of apps

Ever pick up your phone to see it downloading like crazy and you don't even know why? Sick of seeing your data plan chewed up by app updates on games you can hardly even remember installing in the first place? We'll show you how to switch off the Google Play Store's auto-update feature.

Stop that app from updating automatically.

How to take a screenshot

It seems super simple, but every manufacturer does it slightly differently, and it's one of the most common questions we get from our readers: just how do you take a screenshot with a [insert phone name here]. Once you know the basics, you will probably be able to figure it out for your friends' phones too!

Believe me, screenshots are a lot easier to do than this.

How to use Google Maps offline

If you're anything like us, Google Maps is one of the most used apps on your smartphone. But not everyone knows that you can use Google Maps without an internet connection just as easily, you just need to know how. We'll show and have you saving data charges before you know it.

How to fix the process has stopped error

Don't worry, there won't be a test on what this message actually means, but if you've ever seen it pop up on your Android, we'll show you how to fix it and get your Google apps working smoothly again.

How to set up up your Nexus for the first time

We're going to guess that this year, with the Nexus line's great specs and cheap prices, that there will be quite a few sitting under trees around the country. But if you've never owned a stock Android device, you may be unfamiliar with the initial setup. Never fear, it's simple as pie. Our Nexus 5 setup tutorial will show you the steps common to every Nexus device.

How to activate dialer auto-complete on Android 4.3

I bet a few of you didn't even know this existed until right now. In this beginner's article we'll show you the simple steps required to let your phone auto-complete phone numbers for you in the dialer in the same way it auto-completes words on the keyboard.

How to install apps outside of Google Play

Yes, there is a world of apps outside the Play Store, including out very own AndroidPIT App Center. Why, you may ask? Because Google doesn't let alternative app stores live in their app store. Simple. There's thousands of other app stores too, like Amazon and F-Droid that are worth checking out too, but you need to know how to install apps from them in the first place.

Facebook privacy settings

We've often thought that Facebook seems to intentionally make their privacy settings convoluted and overly complicated simply to keep you from actually knowing your way around them. With that in mind, we thought we'd crack them wide open for you so you can see what the big blue F really has access to and help you make sure you've got your preferences set how you want them.

The 'F' on every phone. Take control of how much you share.

These should be enough to get you started and pique your interest, but if you want to know even more, you can check out Loie's recent compilation of Android for Beginner's articles or use the Android for Beginner's tag at the bottom of this article. Enjoy your Android and let us know what article ideas you'd like to see us write!


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